Polyester nonwoven fabric Ovata®/Owata® with specially selected performance were designed as a warming outerwear. By extracting the mixture of the very thin fibres, these nonvolen fabrics have excellent thermal insulation. The fibers are bonded by using specially selected polymer resins, which application of both sides provides elasticity and prevents migration of individual fibres through the lining. In this way, in the heating systems based on Ovaty®/Owaty®, there is no need for additional non-woven fabric protection (interfacing), and what’s more, the clothes can be cleaned chemically or mechanically.
The clothes made on the basis of non-woven fabrics Ovata®/Owata® are warm, soft, light and resistant to moisture, and, at the same time, “breathe”, because our clothing Ovaty®/Owaty® let air and water vapour.
blue, black
from 45 g/m2
to 300 g/m2
spray and
heat treatment
from 1 m
to 2 m
polyester fibres
polymer resins
58-100 Świdnica
ul. Inżynierska 15-17
58-100 Świdnica
ul. Bystrzycka 9A
99-100 Łęczyca
ul. Lotnicza 4
tel. +48 33 48 59 430 ÷ 31
ul. Ks. Józefa Londzina 29
43-382 Bielsko-Biała